In this article, you will learn about the features available in your Educator Portal.
Last updated - July 18, 2024
Manage Students
The Manage Students page displays a list of all students connected to your Skill Struck sections. Here you can update existing student accounts or create new accounts. If you are looking to update a student's username, password, or email address, this page is where those settings are found.
Manage Sections
The manage sections page displays a list of all sections attached to your account. Each section includes a list of all students enrolled. On this page, you are able to create new sections and update existing sections. Click here for information on setting up a new section.
Manage Curriculum
On the Manage Curriculum page, you are able to set curriculum for each of your sections. You can unlock individual lessons or entire courses. On this page, you are also able to set the number of required activities students must complete in each lesson. If you would like to allow your students to take the quiz more than once, you are able to update that setting here. For more information on managing your curriculum, click here.
Manage Assessments
The Manage Assessments page is where you can assign pre-assessments and post-assessments to your sections. You are also able to view Custom Assessments here. For more information on Managing Assessments, click here.
Student Progress
The Student Progress Dashboard displays progress for each of your students. Progress can be viewed for an entire section or an individual student.
- Student Progress can be viewed by unit or by lesson. The unit view displays the progress overview for an entire section, while the lesson view shows progress information for all activities within a lesson.
- Student Progress can be viewed for standard lessons, assessments, custom assessments, Type Station, and Robotics.
For more information on Student Progress, click here.
Group Projects
The Group Projects page includes everything you need to create, manage, and assign group projects. Once created, projects can be found in the "Projects" section on your students' Voyage homepage. For more information on Group Projects, click here!
Help Students
Here is where you can find Skill Struck's in-platform messaging system. This allows students to message you if they run into any issues with their code or have a question. All messages from students will appear on this page.
The settings page is where you can manage all of your account settings. You are also able to update settings for your sections.
The Resources section includes a number of useful pages that will help improve your teaching experience with Skill Struck.
- The Lesson Plans are pre-built plans that align with Skill Struck courses.
- Community is Skill Struck's resource hub that includes answer keys, offline activities, platform training, and more.
- The Activity Generator is Skill Struck's AI activity creation tool. This can be used to create custom activities for your class.
Student Platforms
At the bottom of your Educator Portal, there are buttons that will direct you to each of the student platforms. Here you will be able to access Launch Pad, Voyage, Type Station, Robotics, and Chat for Schools. Clicking one of these will allow you to view a platform the way your students do.
Chat Support
In the bottom right corner of your portal, there is a blue button with a white message icon. Click here to access Support Chat and get live help from a member of our team. If your student's code isn't passing or a student is having difficulty logging in, reach out via chat and our support team will help find a fix.
Live Support Chat is available Monday - Friday, from 8 AM EST - 5 PM PST.