In this article, you will learn about the tools available in the Learning Studio..
Last updated - July 19, 2024
The Learning Studio in the Chat Portal includes AI tools that give educators the ability to create custom quizzes, assignments, lesson plans, and more for their students!
Tutor Creator
The Tutor Creator allows educators to create a specialized tutor aligned with any subject. Specialized tutors can have the voice of any person or character in history. Click here for an article on how to create and assign a custom tutor.
The quiz tool allows educators to generate and customize quizzes for their students using AI. Quizzes can be exported to an assessment in Skill Struck, exported to an assignment in Canvas or Schoology, or downloaded as a PDF. Click here for an article on how to how to generate a quiz.
Writing Assignment
The Writing Assignment tool gives educators the ability to generate a writing assignment for their students. This assignment will include a description and a rubric. Writing assignments can be exported to Canvas or downloaded as a PDF. Click here for an article on how to generate a writing assignment.
Remix an Assignment
The Remix an Assignment tool gives educators the ability to adjust the format or theme of an assignment using AI. Educators will enter an assignment, choose a remix option, and click generate to output an updated assignment. Remixed assignments can be printed or downloaded as a Canvas IMSCC file. Click here for an article on how to remix an assignment.
Text Transformer
The Text Transformer takes a chunk of text and transforms it using AI. Text can be translated, reading level can be adjusted, and length can be increased or decreased. The Text Transformer also includes a spell checker. Click here for an article on how to use the Text Transformer.
Lesson Plan
The Lesson Plan Creator builds a custom lesson plan for a single class period. Educators are able to generate a custom lesson plan tailored to their specifications. Click here for an article on how to generate a lesson plan.
Rubric Creator
The Rubric Creator generates an assignment rubric in table format. The Rubric includes multiple criteria that help grade and check student understanding of a topic. Click here for an article on how to generate a rubric.
Bell Ringers
The Bell Ringer tool generates 3 short activities that introduce standards or topics to students. These are quick activities that can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Click here for an article on how to generate a bell ringer.
Recommendation Letter
The Recommendation Letter tool generates a letter of recommendation for a student. The outputted letter is based on your relationship with the student and the information you provide when generating the letter. Click here for an article on how to generate a letter of recommendation.
Email Generator
The Email Generator creates an email to be sent to parents, students, or educators. This tool allows you to generate a new email or improve an email you have already written. Click here for an article on how to generate an email.
Analogy Engine
The Analogy Engine generates a simple analogy that helps your students understand a topic or standard. Click here for an article on how to generate an analogy.
Social Story Writer
The Social Story Writer generates a social story for a student that helps them learn or modify a behavior.