How to Remix an Assignment in the Learning Studio

In this article, you will learn how to Remix an Assignment in the Learning Studio.

Last updated - April 25, 2024


  1. From the Learning Studio, click "Remix an Assignment."
    remix an assignment 1

  2. Click "New Variation."
    new variation button 1

  3. Select one of the two remix options. The options are:
    1. Medium Variations
    2. Theme Variations

    remix variation II

  4. Enter the following text inputs:
    1. Name
    2. Project / Assignment
    3. Special instructions (optional)
    4. Rubric (optional)

    remix text inputs II

  5. Select one or more formats.
    remix formats II

  6. Click "Generate."
  7. Edit the remixed assignment and click "Export all."
    edit remix II

  8. Now you are able to print the assignment or download it as a Canvas file!