How to Use the Canvas Integration With Skill Struck (For Teachers)

Instructions for how to use the Skill Struck LTI within Canvas to access the platform, launch assignments, and more.

Need to set up the integration first? How to set up the Canvas Integration with Skill Struck

How to Use the Canvas Integration

The Skill Struck app on Canvas enables the following features:

  • Launch directly into Skill Struck from the account navigation menu
  • Import a Skill Struck course with assignments into Canvas
  • Select any individual assignment to be imported from Skill Struck
  • Students can launch these assignments from Canvas, complete them in Skill Struck, and the grade is sent back to the Canvas gradebook

Here's how to get started:

Launch the Skill Struck platform from Canvas

  1. Navigate to the account menu by clicking on "Account" near the top left of the page
  2. Click the "Launch Skill Struck" link from the account menu

How to import a Skill Struck course into Canvas

  1. Navigate to the Educator Portal on Skill Struck and select "Community" under Resources
  2. In Community, select "Classroom Resources"
    classroom resources 2
  3. Select "Canvas Courses"
  4. Select and download the course you want to import into Canvas
    1. The file you download should end with the ".imscc" extension. This is a file format that enables Canvas to import the course content
  5. Scroll and follow the instructions on the Canvas Courses page to upload the file into your Canvas account

How to create a custom Skill Struck assignment in Canvas

Using Skill Struck assignments within Canvas is a powerful tool. Teachers can assign points for different assignments, which are automatically graded by Skill Struck and updated in the Canvas grade book.

NOTE: Grades are only passed back for Assignments. If you connect the External Tool in any way other than as the Submission Type for an Assignment shown below, grades cannot be sent back to Canvas.

  1. Select the course in Canvas that you would like to create an assignment for and view the “Assignments” page
  2. Click the "+ Assignment" button to create a new assignment
  3. Scroll to Submission Type, and from the dropdown, select "External Tool"

    external tool 2
  4. Then select "Skill Struck" from the list of tools, which opens the Skill Struck lesson selection menu 
  5. Navigate through the menu to find the activity you want
    1. In the screenshot below, the user clicks on "Web Development", "HTML 1", "HTML Basics", and finally "Lesson Checkpoint"
  6. The activity you select will be populated into the “URL” field
  7. Click “Select
  8. Complete the rest of the information for the assignment according to your preference. Don't forget to set a value for Points. When finished, click "Save" or "Save & Publish".

FAQ for the Canvas Integration

Can I override a grade for an auto-graded assignment in Canvas?

Yes, you can change the grade for a Skill Struck auto-graded assignment in the grade book.

Do students need to launch the Skill Struck assignment from Canvas for it to be auto-graded?

Yes, students need to click on the assignment from within Canvas for it to be auto-graded. If a student navigates to Skill Struck directly (not from Canvas) and completes assignments, they will not be sent to Canvas.