About the Tutor Bank

In this article, you will learn about the features of the Tutor Bank.

Last updated - January 31, 2025 


Tutors are only available for schools that have access to Chat for Schools.


The Tutor Bank is a collection of teacher-created tutors that can be customized and used in your classes. In the Tutor bank, you are able to:

  • Create and share tutors
  • Copy a tutor to your account and use it in your class
  • Vote on your favorite tutors
  • Bookmark tutors to save them for later


How to Access the Tutor Bank

Accessing the Tutor Bank in the CS Educator Portal

  1. From your Educator Portal homepage, scroll down to the "Resources" section and click "Community."community 2

  2. Click the "Tutor Bank" button.
    CS tutor bank 1


Accessing the Tutor Bank in the Chat Portal

  1. From the Chat Portal homepage, navigate to the "Explore our tutors" section.

  2. Click "See more."


How to Share a Tutor to the Tutor Bank

  1. Navigate to "View my tutors" in Chat for Schools.

  2. Select a a tutor from the "My Tutors" tab.

  3. Click on manual input, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click, "Share."

  4. Click "Save."



How to Copy a Tutor to Your Account

  1. Navigate to the tutor bank from your CS or AI Educator Portal.
    CS tutor bank 1

  2. Use the search bar to search tutor names and descriptions.
    tutor seach bar 1

  3. Click the blue "Try it out" button.
    Try out tutor 1

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save to my tutors."
    save to my tutors 1

  5. Update the inputs to customize the tutor for your class.
    update tutor inputs 1

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save."
    save tutor button 1

  7. Now the tutor will be available in your Tutor Creator under the "Shared Tutors" tab!


Other Features of the Tutor Bank

Along with the search and "Try it out" functions, you are able to like and bookmark a tutor. Tutors are ordered from most to least likes. If you enjoyed a tutor and would like other educators to see it, we recommend liking it! You also have the option to bookmark a tutor. When a tutor is bookmarked, it will be saved to your "Saved Resources" page.

save and bookmark tutor 1


How to Access a Bookmarked Tutor

  1. Navigate to the tutor bank from your CS or AI Educator Portal.
    tutor bank 1

  2. At the top of the page, click "Saved Resources."
    tutor saved resources 1

  3. Now you have access to all of your previously saved tutors!
    saved resources page 1