Python 1 Reference Guide

This article is a quick guide that goes over syntax and concepts taught in the Python 1 course.

Last updated - July 10, 2023

Table of Contents

Creating a Variable
Outputting to the Terminal
Basic Data Types
Getting User Input
Concatenating Numbers
Math Operations
String Methods
String Indexing
Checking Strings
Comparison Operators
Conditional Statements
For Loops

Creating a Variable

Variables are created (or declared) by typing in a name, following that with an equals sign, and inputting the data you would like the variable to hold.

my_variable = "hello"
my_second_variable = 25

Outputting to the Terminal

Python's built in print() function outputs information to the terminal.

Output: "hello"

Basic Data Types

String A string is a sequence of characters, usually text, that is surrounded by quotation marks.
my_string = "This is a string!"
another_string = 'This is also a string!'

An integer is a number without a decimal.

my_int = 55

A float is a number with a decimal.

my_float = 55.60

Booleans are either true or false. They are both capitalized in Python.

is_true = True
is_false = False

Getting User Input

In this example, the user is prompted with the question "How are you today?" Their response is saved to the "user_response" variable.

user_response = input("How are you today?")


Comments improve readability of code without being read by the Python interpreter. Comments can be created by starting a line with #.

#This is one comment

#This is another comment


Concatenation is the combination of multiple strings to create a single string. The + symbol concatenates multiple strings into one. When concatenating strings, be sure to add spaces at the beginning or end of a string! Python doesn't automatically include spaces, so you will need to manually add them when concatenating. 

print("This is my " + "concatenated" + " string!")

Output: "This is my concatenated string!"

Concatenating Numbers

Using the built in format() function, you are able to concatenate numbers and strings. A string will need to contain at least one set of {} brackets to use the format function.

my_string = "I want to eat {} cookies!"

Output: "I want to eat 10 cookies!"

Multiple sets of {} brackets can be used to concatenate multiple numbers into a string.

my_string = "I have {} dogs and {} cats."
dogs = 3
cats = 2
print(my_string.format(dogs, cats))

Output: "I have 3 dogs and 2 cats."

Indexes can be added to the {} brackets to determine the order that the numbers will be added. Index counting always starts at zero.

my_string = "I have {1} sandwiches and {0} cookies."
first = 4
second = 2
print(my_string.format(first, second))

Output: "I have 2 sandwiches and 4 cookies."

Math Operations


The plus symbol is used to add two numbers.

my_sum = 5 + 5
Output: 10

The minus symbol is used to subtract one number from another.

my_difference = 10 - 2
Output: 8

The asterisk symbol is used to multiply one number with another.

my_product = 10 * 2
Output: 20

The forward slash symbol divides one number from another and returns a float.

my_quotient = 10 / 2
Output: 5.0

The double forward slash symbol divides one number from another and returns an integer.

my_quotient = 10 // 2
Output: 5

The modulo operator returns the remainder from when two numbers are divided.

my_modulo = 10 % 6
Output: 4

String Methods


The .lower() method makes all characters lowercase in a string.

my_str = "HELLO"

Output: "hello"

The .upper() method makes all characters uppercase in a string.

my_str = "hello"

Output: "HELLO"

The .replace() method replaces an inputted character with a second inputted character.

my_str = "Good morning!"
print(my_str.replace("morning", "evening"))

Output: "Good evening!"

The .strip() removes any extra spaces before or after a string.

my_str = "   Hello!    "
new_str = my_str.strip()

Output: "Hello!"

The .split() method splits a string into a list. Each word becomes its own list item.

my_str = "This is my string!"
my_list = my_str.split()

Output: ['This', 'is', 'my', 'string!']

The .find() method returns the lowest index that the inputted substring can be found. If the substring cannot be found, -1 is returned.

my_str = "Good morning everyone!"

Output: 5

The .rfind() method returns the highest index the inputted substring can be found. If the substring cannot be found, -1 is returned.  

my_str = "There are ducks over there"

Output: 21

The len() method returns the length of a string.

my_str = "Hello world!"

Output: 12

String Indexing


This method returns the letter or symbol located at the entered index. An index number replaces the word index.

my_str = "Hello world!"

Output: "o"
string[starting index : ending index]

This method returns a slice of a string starting at starting index and ending one index position before ending index.

my_str = "Hello world!"

Output: "world"
string[len(string) :: -1 ]

This method returns a reversed string.

my_str = "Hello world!"

Output: "!dlrow olleH"

Checking Strings

To check if a substring exists in a string we use the in keyword. If the substring exists, True is returned, otherwise False is returned. (Keywords are reserved words in a programming language that are used in built in functions.)

string1 = "I love coding!"
check = "love" in string1

Output: "True"

To check if a substring is not in a string, we use the phrase not in. If the substring does not exist in the string, True is returned, otherwise False is returned.

string1 = "I love coding!"
check = "love" not in string1

Output: "False"


A list is a group of data that is ordered and changeable. Lists are surrounded by [] brackets and each list item is separated by a comma.

my_list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Lists can contain a number of different data types!

my_list = [True, 11, "lunch", 89, False, "apple"]

Comparison Operators

These operators are used when comparing items in a conditional statement.

> The greater than operator checks if one item is greater than another.
< The less than operator checks if one item is less than another.
>= The greater than or equal to operator checks if an item is greater than or equal to another. 
<= The less than or equal to operator checks if one item is less than or equal to another.
== The equal operator checks if two items are equal.

Conditional Statements

 The if statements run a block of code if a condition is True.

if 10 > 5:
print("Ten is greater than five!")

Output: "Ten is greater than five!"

The else statement runs a block of code if a condition is False.

if 5 > 10:
print("Five is greater than ten!")
print("Five is not greater than ten!")

Output: "Five is not greater than ten!"

The elif statement runs if the initial if statement is False, but a second conditional statement is True.

if 5 > 10:
print("Five is greater than ten!")
elif 10 > 5:
print("Ten is greater than five!")

Output: "Ten is greater than five!"

To run a block of code if two statements are both True, you will use the and keyword.

if 5 < 10 and 20 > 10:
print("Both are true!")

Output: "Both are true!"

To run a block of code if at least one statement is True, you will use the or keyword.

if 5 < 10 or 10 > 20:
print("At least one condition is true!")

Output: "At least one condition is true!"

For Loops

For loops address each piece of data in a sequence.

desserts = ["cake", "ice cream", "pie", "brownies"]

for x in desserts:

Output: "cake"
"ice cream"

Code can be applied to each item in a list when using for loops.

desserts = ["cake", "ice cream", "pie", "brownies"]

for x in desserts:
print("I love to eat " + x)

Output: "I love to eat cake"
"I love to eat ice cream"
"I love to eat pie"
"I love to eat brownies"