Blog: Should My Kid Learn to Code? 3 Reasons Why the Answer Is Yes

There are a million activities competing for your child’s time. How do you know what is best?

Last updated - July 7, 2023

Meet Grace. As a teenager in today’s world, she goes from school to countless other activities. These extracurriculars range from sports practices, music lessons, and church groups, and by the time she gets home, she is busy with school work. There are numerous options for kids and teens to stay busy, but there are a lot fewer activities that help teens like Grace to develop worthwhile skills that will benefit her later.

When approaching a new extracurricular activity, Grace’s parents ask several questions: How much of a time commitment is it? How much does it cost? As a parent, do I feel like I am doing my part? Will this help my child get into college? Will they enjoy it? Hate it?

When approaching a new extracurricular activity, Grace asks different questions: Will it be fun? Will my friends be doing it? Is this better than hanging out with friends, playing video games, or watching TV? Will I dread going every time?

It is interesting to contemplate how technology has impacted the extracurricular industry. As teenagers spend more and more time at home playing Fortnite or watching Youtube videos, they spend less time developing skills. Parents have started to make a connection to technology and their children, as “Coding for Kids,” or something similar, is googled a million times each month.

Parents begin to think: Perhaps my child will enjoy learning to code, and it will actually benefit their future. And in all reality, that concept is not too far-fetched.

The idea is, if children have a knack for technology, why not channel that passion and turn it into something more...


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