How to Mark an Activity as Complete

In this article, you will learn how to mark a single activity as complete.

Last updated - October 13, 2023


If a student attempted an activity, but is not able to pass, you are able to manually mark that activity as complete from your Student Progress Portal.


  1. Navigate to your Educator Portal homepage and click "Student Progress."
    student progress homepage IV

  2. Select the relevant section in the section dropdown menu.
    section progress II

  3. Click the "Lesson View" tab.
    progress lesson view II

  4. Select the relevant Unit and Lesson from the dropdown.
  5. Click the tab that corresponds with the activity you would like to mark as complete.
    progress activity selection II

  6. Click "View Code."
    progress view code II

  7. Click "Give student full credit for this activity."
    credit for activity II

  8. In the prompt that pops up, click "OK."mark activity prompt II

  9. Now your student will have full credit for the activity in your Student Progress Portal!

If you would like to mark an entire lesson as complete, click here.