How to Adjust Window Size in Voyage

In this article, you will learn how to minimize and adjust the width of windows in Voyage.

Last updated - July 22, 2024


There has recently been a platform update that streamlined the way windows are adjusted and minimized in Voyage.


How to adjust the size of Voyage Windows 

To adjust the width of two windows, click the vertical bar between them and drag to the left or right. When one window increases in width, the window on the opposite side of the vertical bar will decrease in width.

adjust columns II

All 3 windows must be maximized if you would like to adjust the width. If only one or two are maximized, window size cannot be adjusted.



How to Minimize and Maximize Voyage Windows

To minimize a window, click the "<" button at the top right corner of that window.

hide voyage window 2


To reopen a minimized window, click the ">" button.

minimized windows II