Coding & Color

Part of what makes building a website fun is adding your own unique touch using different colors! This article lists websites that can help you find a wide variety of colors.

Last updated - July 12, 2023

Modern browsers support 140 colors that can be used by name in code. Find those colors names, and hex codes, here:

This website allows you to generate color schemes using whichever color you pick, and provides hex codes for the colors you choose:

Google Color Picker lets you choose any color using a color scale, and generates the hex code for whatever color you choose:

Skill Struck provides you with a color picker in-platform! Look in the top right corner of your screen and click on the icon that looks like a paint palette. Choose any color, and the color picker will provide you with the hex code. There is also a color dropper tool that will generate the hex code for any color you click on!


color picker