Challenge Hints: Pseudo Selectors

A list of hints for the challenges in the Pseudo Selectors lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024

Checkpoint Try adding :hover after the class name and before the "{"
Patriotic Pseudo Selectors!

Did you remember to create two classes with pseudo selectors? (Can be either a hover or visit effect)

Did you remember to add either a "blue" or a "red" color to each of your classes?

Did you apply a margin and padding element to each class?

<h1 class="  ">

<p class="  ">

Rainbow Wikipedia

Is your link from wikipedia and did you include the number?

Did you use "hover" and the correct color?


Growing and Shrinking Icons

Are all 6 of your icons unique, and do they have the class "material-icons"?

Do you have different classes for each icon, in addition to the "material-icons" class? You can only have one class="" on each element, so do it like this class="material-icons yourclassname"

Hover classes are made like this: .className:hover { }

Remember that font size is measured in px.  

Did you remember to include .classname:hover?  

For more help with CSS, check out our CSS Cheatsheet!