A list of hints for the challenges in the Positioning lesson.
Last updated - July 23, 2024
Checkpoint | Try using "position: fixed;" in a CSS selector |
Error Message |
Did you place your heading tag between opening and closing div tags? Did you place your p tag inside the same div tag as the heading? Create a class between style tags, and give your div that class. Add a background color to that class Create a class between style tags, and give your div that class. Add fixed positioning to that class, and at least one directional property (top, bottom, right, left) |
Stickers |
Make sure you have 3 image tags! Make sure all your positioning is inside style tags, not on the element. Specify top, left, right, or bottom in addition to position. |
Like father, like son |
Did you remember to create both your .father and .son class? Did you remember to have at least two elements in each class? Did you remember to add the correct positioning elements to the corresponding classes? |
VERY important message |
Did you remember to include a fixed style to a paragraph? Did you remember to include 2 heading tags? Did you style the body tag in CSS to add a background color? Did you include an image in your HTML file? Did you style the image selector in your CSS file? |
Public Announcement |
Do you have 3 headings? Do you have 3 images? Do you have 3 paragraphs with at least 3 sentences each? Does your marquee have a class name of your choice? Does the marquee itself say"Breaking News:"? Did you use a font family? Did you use a border radius? Did you use a box shadow? Did you use a background color or background image? Did you set position to "fixed" on your marquee in the CSS file? |
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