Challenge Hints: Image Link

A list of hints for the challenges in the Image Link lesson.

Last updated - July 23, 2024


Does your anchor tag have an href indicating the link? <a href=" "> </a>

Does your <img> tag include src=" " and alt=" " inside?

Double check to make sure you have all opening and closing anchor tags with the <img> tag inside

the target="_blank" attribute tells the link how to open

Travel Brochure

Did you remember to include at least 3 heading tags? <h1>   </h1>

Did you include at least 3 paragraph tags? <p>  </p>

Did you remember to create at least 3 image links?  <a href=" "> <img src=" "> </a>

Theme Park Critic

Did you include at least 3 heading tags? <h1>  </h1>

Did you include at least 3 paragraph tags? <p>  </p>

Did you include 3 image links? <a href=" "> <img src="  ">  </a>

Did you remember to include an unordered list in your website? <ul> <li> </li> </ul>

Did you remember to include a video in your website? <iframe> </iframe>

Historical Heroes

<h1>   </h1>

<a href="  "> <img src="  ">  </a>

<p>  </p>

Traditions Around the World

<h1>   </h1>

<body style="background-color:   >

<a href="  "> <img src="  ">  </a>

<p>  </p>

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