Challenge Hints: HTML Title

A list of hints for the challenges in the HTML Title lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024

Checkpoint Did you put opening and closing <title> tags within the <head> tags?
Resume Title Is the title tag between the opening and closing tags of the header tag?
Lemonade Stand

Do you have doctype, HTML, head, and body tags?

Is your title tag between the opening and closing head tags?

style="background-color:  "

style = "font-family:   "

style = "color:    "

Worst Website Title Ever Is your title tag between the opening and closing head tags?
Aquarium Visit

Don't forget doctype, HTML, head, and body tags!

Don't forget the forward-slash / on the closing tag!

style = "   " 

Did you remember to include a title tag for the title - Aquarium Visit? Is your title tag between the opening and closing head tags?

Coding Rocks

Did you remember to include doctype, head, and body tags in your file?

Is your title tag between the opening and closing head tags?  Did you remember the exclamation point?

Don't forget the forward-slash / on the closing tag! 

Don't forget the forward-slash / on the closing tag! 

Don't forget the forward-slash / on the closing tag! 

Visit to Saturn

style="background-color:   "

style="font-family:  "

HTML structure includes doctype, HTML, head, title, and body tags

Jungle Adventure

style="background-color:   "

style="font-family:    ; color:    "

HTML structure includes doctype, HTML, head, title, and body tags.

Spy World

style="background-color:    "

style="color:    "

HTML structure includes doctype, HTML, head, title, and body tags.

For more help with HTML, check out our HTML Cheatsheet!