Challenge Hints: HTML Basics

A list of hints for the challenges in the HTML Basics lesson..

Last updated - July 22, 2024

Checkpoint Try an opening <h1> and closing tag </h1> with a message.

A Letter to the Hedgehog

Do you have an opening tag <h1> and a closing tag </h1> ?   

Don't forget the forward slash in the closing tag! </h1>

Sea Turtle Website

Did you include the word "sea turtle" in your title somewhere?

Don't forget the forward slash in the closing tag! </h1>

Positive Letters

Did you create an <h1> tag for each letter of your first name?

Don't forget the forward slash in the closing tag! </h1>

Always Be Grateful

Make sure to begin each tag with the words "I'm grateful for".  

Check spacing and don't forget the angle brackets < >.

Basketball Tryouts

Make sure to spell basketball correctly.

 Did you make 3 tags?

Don't forget the forward slash in the closing tag! </h1>

Training Your Dog Did you include the word "treat"? Is it between the opening <h1> tag and closing </h1> tag?
Space Journey

Did you spell every planet correctly?  Did you capitalize them?

Don't forget that forward slash in the closing tag! 

Ocean Voyage Did you include the word "ocean" in your tags? Did you include all 4 angle brackets < > < >?

For more help with HTML, check out our HTML Cheatsheet!