Challenge Hints: Headings

A list of hints for the challenges in the HTML Headings lesson.

Checkpoint Try opening and closing tags in order (<h1> to <h6>)
Biggest to Smallest Try out some different header tags using different numbers.  Which number appears the biggest on the website?
Header Pattern

Does your pattern have 12 headings?

Did you remember the closing slash? </h1>

Create a Haiku The first and last lines are made <h3> tags.  The middle tag is <h1>.
Whispered Conversation Does your conversation utilize 8 heading tags?  Did use the correct forward slash /?
Header Gradient Did you start with <h6> and go all the way to <h1> and back to <h6>?
Pet Store Did you include the word pet in each tag?  Don't forget all the angle brackets! < >info </ >
Narrow Road

Do you have an h1 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Do you have an h2 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Do you have an h3 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Do you have an h4 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Do you have an h5 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Do you have an h6 tag? Did you remember both opening and closing tags?

Dinosaur Tracks

Does the big dinosaur have an h1 tag?

Does the medium size dinosaur have an h3 tag?

Does this small dinosaur have an h6 tag?

Last updated - July 22, 2024

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