Challenge Hints: Connecting Your CSS File to an HTML File

A list of hints for the challenges in the Connecting Your CSS File to an HTML File lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024

Checkpoint Does your link tag include type="text/CSS"?
Animal Website


Do you have the word "habitat" in an <h3> tag?

Do you have the word "diet" in an <h3> tag?

Do you have the word "behavior" in an <h3> tag?

<img src=" " >

body {   }  on the CSS file

h1 {   }

h3 {   }

p {  }

Automatic Stripes

Does the pattern repeat 7 times?

On the CSS file it should look like this:  h1 {   } 

On the CSS file it should look like this:  h3 {   } 

On the CSS file it should look like this:  h5 {   }

Don't forget the semicolon after your color!

Automatic Font

Do you have the patten right? h2 h4 h4 h6?  Is it on your HTML file?

On the CSS file it looks like this h2 {  }.

On the CSS file it looks like this h4 {  }. 

On the CSS file it looks like this h6 {  }.  

Don't forget the semicolon after the font-family!

Layers of the Earth

h5 { background-color:     }

Don't forget the hyphen in background-color.

Don't forget that your list items need to be in a tag <li> as well.

p { font-family:  }

Your Favorite City

Did you include an h2 tag for "Favorite Restaurant"?

Did you include an h2 tag for "Favorite Things to Do"?

Did you include an h2 tag for "Favorite Memory"?

Did you include a p tag for "Favorite Restaurant"?

Did you include a p tag for "Favorite Thing to Do"?

Did you include a p tag for "Favorite Memory"?

Did you include a link "Learn More"?

<img src="  ">


For more help with CSS, check out our CSS Cheatsheet!