Challenge Hints: Concatenation

A list of hints for the challenges in the Concatenation lesson.

Last updated - July 23, 2024



Try creating a variable named coins with "var coins =... "

Try using "+" and "coins" in console.log()

Try adding a description after your comment "//"

Goofy Medley

Did you remember to declare at least 4 different string variables?

Did you log the new song to the console?

Polylingual Greeting

Did you remember to declare at least 5 variables?

Did you remember to log the 5 variables to the console?

Tongue Twister Palooza

Did you remember to create at least 3 tongue twisters?

Did you remember to create at least 5 different combinations of your tongue twisters?

Historical Document

Did you remember to declare at least 5 variables containing excerpts from historical documents?

Did you remember to concatenate all 5 variables of your file?

Class Schedule

Did you remember to declare at least 5 variables of different classes in your schedule? Use double quotes

Did you correctly concatenate your classes? Use "1st", "2nd", "3rd", etc

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