Challenge Hints: Commenting in Javascript

A list of hints for the challenges in the Commenting in Javascript lesson.

Last updated - July 23, 2024


Checkpoint Do you have two examples of a comment with a forward slash? / /
Commenting Tidal Wave Do you have 10 comments that come after two forward slashes // in your code?
JavaScript Anatomy

Did you use concatenation?

Did you log a statement to the console?

Did you include an alert?

Did you include a prompt?

Did you include a function with parameters and a return statement?

Did you write a comment for each feature/element?

Lawn Mower Mula

Did you remember a semicolon at the end of your variables?

Do you put var in front of weekHours?

Do you have a variable named weekPay?

Do you have a variable named monthPay?

Do you have a variable named yearPay?

Did you put two forward slashes before your comment?

Did you put two forward slashes before your comment?

Did you put two forward slashes before your month?

Did you put two forward slashes before your month?

Not So Pop Quiz

Did you declare your five variable questions?

Did you declare your function to accept three parameters?

Did you properly declare your three new variables by prompting the user with a question that was passed into the function?

Did you log each of those newly declared variables to the console?

Did you declare the string "Quiz complete!" and return it at the end of your function?

Did you include 5 comments in your file?

Redundant Comments

Did you log seven different strings to the console?

Did you have a comment for each of your seven strings?

For more help with JavaScript, check out our JavaScript Reference Guide!