Challenge Hints: Color Gradient

A list of hints for the challenges in the Color Gradient lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024


Did you call it background-image?

Did you remember to specify the gradient as radial?

Dreamy Sunsets

Did you remember to have at least 3 colors in your gradient?

Did you include two images on your website?

Did you include a paragraph in your website?

Cooked Egg

Make sure there is no space after the word gradient and the opening parenthesis gradient(color,color)

Make sure there is no space after the word gradient and the opening parenthesis gradient(color,color)

Colorful Caterpillar

Did you remember to include a background gradient that goes to the left?

Did you remember to include at least 5 different colors in your gradient?

School Gradient

Did you remember to use "background-image" and "to right" in your body tag?

background-image: linear-gradient(    )

<img src="  ">


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