Challenge Hints: Classes

A list of hints for the challenges in the Classes lesson.

Last updated - July 12, 2023


Try using class syntax (.myclass { width: 100%; })

Are you applying three different classes to elements?

Karate Belt Guide




Do you have a total of 9 paragraphs to talk about the different colors?

Do each of the 9 headers from the HTML file have background color styling in the CSS file?

Traffic System

Did you remember to create the three classes (green, red, and yellow)?

Did you add at least two different styling elements to each class?

Did you include each class on at least one header tag?

School Subjects

Did you remember to create your 3 classes?

Did you remember to add at least one different styling element to each class?

Did you include each class you declared on at least one paragraph tag each?

Did you include each class you declared on at least one header tag each?

Travel Brochure

Do your three headers all have unique classes?

Do you have three unordered lists with unique classes?

Do you have three img tags?

Quiz Your Friends

Did you remember to add the "1." and the "?"

Did you remember to add the "2." and the "?"

Did you remember the closing tag?

Did you remember the closing tag?

Did you remember the closing tag?

For more help with CSS, check out our CSS Cheatsheet!