Challenge Hints: Array Length

A list of hints for the challenges in the Array Length lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024



Did you use a variable name and brackets [] with a semicolon at the end?

Items in an array need to be separated by commas. Did you remember the semicolon at the end?

Try creating an array and then using arrayName.length

Hidden Message

Did you copy each array once and declare it as a variable?

Did you print out the last element of the first array to the console?

Did you print out the second to last element of the second array to the console?

Did you print out the second to last element of the third array?

Birthday List

Did you declare your array of names?

Did you check to see if the size of the list was greater then 10 and alert the user?

Otherwise, did you alert them of a bowling party?

Spot the Difference

Did you copy and declare each of the five arrays?

Did you check the difference in each array from the original?

Reverse printer

Did you declare an array that has at least 4 variables?

Did you declare a function that accepts an array as a parameter?

Did you use the array length feature to print out the contents of the array in reverse?

Did you call your function?

Array Size Guesser

Did you declare two arrays?

Did you declare a function that takes both parameters as arrays?

Did you multiply the two lengths together?

Did you alert the value to the user?

Did you call your function?

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