Challenge Hints: Output Arrays

A list of hints for the challenges in the Output Arrays lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024



Items in an array need to be separated by commas. Did you remember the semicolon at the end?

Are you using an uppercase "S" in toString? Don't forget the semicolon!

Birthday Invitations

Did you declare an array with at least 10 elements?

Did you convert the array to a string?

Did you log a statement to the console using concatenation?

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Did you declare 3 arrays with at least 5 elements each?

Did you convert your 3 arrays to strings?

Did you have 3 separate statements logged to the console for each continent? Did you use concatenation?

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Did you declare two separate arrays?

Did you convert two arrays to strings?

Did you log both of the statements to the console in two separate statements?

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