A list of hints for the challenges in the Return Statement lesson.
Last updated - July 23, 2024
Checkpoint |
Did you include a parameter inside the "()"? Try setting a variable equal to the "prompt()" function Are you returning the variable from the "prompt()"? |
2 truths and 1 lie |
Did you declare both of your functions properly? Did you remember to have your functions log the phrase to the console? Did you remember to make at least 3 function calls? Did you remember to alert the user of the boolean returned? |
Dog Year Calculator |
Did you properly declare and define your function? Did you prompt the user for the age at least 4 times? Did you call the function at least 4 times? Did you correctly log each statement to the console? (X years in dog years is Y)? |
The double-decker function |
Did you remember to create a function that returns a string? Did you remember to create a second function that accepts the string parameter and logs a concatenated phrase to the console? Did you remember to call your second function and have it call the first function as a parameter? |
The volume calculator |
Did you remember to declare a variable that gets the user's cube size? Did you declare a function that receives the cube size as a parameter? Did you have your function compute the volume of the cube and then return it? Did you remember to alert the user of the volume? |
Word Masher |
Did you remember to first prompt the user for two words? Did you properly declare and define your function? Did you call the prompt function relation at least 3 times? |
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