Challenge Hints: JavaScript Intro

A list of hints for the challenges in the JavaScript Intro lesson..

Last updated - July 23, 2024



Try creating a string variable on a single line using "var" and end with a semicolon?

Did you end each line with a semicolon?

Try creating a boolean variable on a single line using "var" and end with a semicolon?

Try creating a null variable on a single line using "var variable_name = null;" and end with a semicolon?

Your Best Friend

var name = "   "

You can't do half numbers, only whole numbers for integers

var broccoli = 

var cake = 

Variable Cornucopia

Did you remember to include 4 different booleans?

Did you remember to include 3 different strings?

Did you remember to include 2 integer variables?

Card Game

Did you remember to include the variable deckNum with an associated number?

Did you remember to declare the boolean variable skip?

Did you remember to include 5 string variables?

House of Mirrored Variables

Did you remember to include 6 different integer variables?

var something = true

Did you remember to include at least 2 string variables?

var something = false

Historical Figure

Did you declare 10 variables total in your file?

Were at least 3 of your variables integers?

Were at least 5 of your variables strings?

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