Challenge Hints: List Styles

A list of hints for the challenges in the Introduction to CSS lesson.

Last updated - July 23, 2024


Make sure you are using the list-style shorthand in your css.

Make sure you are using the list-style shorthand in your css.

Make sure you are using the list-style shorthand in your css.

Make sure you are using the list-style shorthand in your css.

You should be using 5 total ul or ol tags in your HTML.

Grocery List

Make sure you are using the shorthand list-style property in your CSS

Make sure you have at least 8 li elements in your <ul>

Roman Law

Make sure you are using either upper-roman or lower-roman in your CSS.

Include at least 5 laws in your HTML.

Chore Chart

Did you declare at least 3 classes with list styling?

Did you apply margin and padding elements to at least two of your classes?

Did you apply each class to an unordered list?

Cultural Feast

Did you create a class for each meal?

Did you apply a list style to each class?

Did you apply a background color and a new font to each class?

Did you apply a class to each div tag?

Did you apply an image, paragraph, and a header to each class?

Did you include an unordered list of ingredients in each tag?

Practice Makes perfect

Did you properly declare a class in your CSS file?

Did you declare a list style in your class?

Did you include a margin and padding style in your class?

Did you include a font color style in your class?

Did you include a background color style in your class?

Did you create 3 unordered lists with your class applied?

Did you declare a heading tag in your HTML file?

For more help with CSS, check out our CSS Cheatsheet