Challenge Hints: Div Tags

A list of hints for the challenges in the Div Tags lesson.

Last updated - July 12, 2023


Try adding opening and closing <div> tags

Try adding different tags within the <div> tags

<div class="  ">

.className {   }

Cereal Party

Did you create two separate div tags and add different elements?

Did you create two different classes in your css file? (one for each cereal)

Did you apply each class to its corresponding div tag?

Four Seasons

Did you create 4 separate div tags?

Did you remember to have a paragraph in each div tag?

Did you declare a header tag in each div tag?

Did you declare a class for each season?

Did you apply each class to the div tag?

Paragraph lesson

Did you remember to create at least 3 div tags?

Did you remember to include a header tag for each of your div tags?

Did you remember to include a paragraph tag in each of your div tags?

Did you declare a class for each div tag in your CSS file?

Did you give each class a background color, font, and text color styling?

Did you apply each class to the appropriate div tag?

Sport Sections

Make sure you have 5 different divs in your HTML.

<div>  <h1>  </h1>  </div>

Add a background-color to each div in CSS.

<img src="  ">

Favorite Animals

Did you include the "1." in your code?

Did you include the "2." in your code?

Did you include the "3." in your code?

<img src=" " >

Did you include a background color styling on each div tag? (No classes should be used for this)

<div>    </div>

For more help with CSS, check out our CSS Cheatsheet!