Canvas FAQ

This article covers FAQ pertaining to Canvas.

If students go directly to Skill Struck (not via Canvas), log in, and complete activities on the platform, will their grades pass back to Canvas?

For grades to pass back to Canvas, students must launch the Skill Struck assignment (checkpoint, quiz, challenge, etc.) from Canvas. If they complete a lesson activity without launching from Canvas, the grades will not be sent to Canvas.

If teachers download or build out courses in Canvas, will student grades pass back into Canvas either way?

Yes, whether teachers download and import a course from the files in Community, or build out courses using the Assignment Selection tool, grades will pass back to Canvas when a student completes them.

Is there a way for educators to access the ‘Creative Coding’ Skill Struck course in Canvas and have the grades pass back into their grade books?

Creative Coding is a course that utilizes our Python Game Design content on the platform. If a teacher wants to teach Creative Coding to their students, they should follow the "Creative Coding" lesson plans in the Educator portal and instruct students to use the Python Game Design course in Voyage. To use with Canvas, teachers should import assignments from the Python Game Design course using the "Link Resource to External Tool". We do not have the Python Game design course available to import yet.

Can a teacher override an auto-graded submission in Canvas? Such as a checkpoint, for example.
A teacher can override an auto-graded submission in Canvas by changing the grade in the Canvas grade book. They can also override a checkpoint submission in the Skill Struck platform or manually set a student submission to pass.