Can I download my project to Github?

Yes! We have a Github integration where you can export your projects to be saved in your own Github account.

Last updated - July 11, 2023


This method is only available if your school district has enabled access to GitHub. 

Exporting from Skill Struck Account

  1. Log into your student account
  2. Click on the Projects icon from your home page
    voyage home II

  3. Scroll down to the Project you want to save and click  Export to GitHub button
  4.  A pop up box will appear.  Verify you have chosen the correct file, then click OK.

  5. This will prompt you to log into your GitHub account.  In order to continue, you will need an existing account or new account to continue to the next step. 

  6. Now you will need to click Authorize Skillstruck
  7. After authorizing Skillstruck, the selected project files are now stored to your GitHub account.

Please reach out to your teacher if you have any questions about using GitHub.