Blog: Preparing to Respond to the Full Four Year Grant

By utilizing a program like Voyage, you can confidently move forward with your grant application and plan for computer science instruction.

Last updated - July 7, 2023

When was the last time a completely new subject was added to K-12 education? The Utah CS Master Plan, released in the fall of 2019, is groundbreaking and uncharted territory within state education.

The state has created the Full Four-Year Grant to help LEAs receive the funding to make this transition possible. But, with the competitive nature of the grant, you may be wondering how you can set yourself apart and present a strong, complete plan?

We want to share what other educators are doing throughout the state in preparation for their grant applications and large scale computer science implementation. In order for this initiative to be a success, collaboration from educators and partners everywhere is essential. Sharing solutions, challenges, questions, and findings will advance computer science education's progress everywhere.

Elementary Computer Science Implementation

In the elementary space, incorporating more subject material onto the already full plates of K-5 teachers appears daunting. The idea of training all current and future elementary teachers to teach coding can seem like an insurmountable task.

But it can be done...


To read more of Preparing to Respond to The Full Four Year Grant, follow this link!